Thursday, December 20, 2012

Photos: Burning Man 2012 - Fertility 2.0

Twenty-twelve marks my 13th consecutive Burn!  It was a busy year for Team Shutterilla...we made a Homeslice Sign, created an LED light installation within camp and built the Janky Bar.  Oh yeah, we also made a baby!!!  Shutterilla - Fertility 1.0!  I'm pretty amazed at the number of photos I captured during Burn week considering the amount of sleep my body required.  Creating life is no joke, yo!  But enough about us, let's get on with the show...

BM2012 10

BM2012 24

BM2012 30

BM2012 32

BM2012 40

BM2012 76

BM2012 79

BM2012 84

BM2012 107

BM2012 132

BM2012 138

BM2012 152

BM2012 162

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BM2012 233

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BM2012 266

A huge thanks to our incredible campmates for once again creating the Homiest camp on the Playa!  Please go here to view the complete slideshow!

Mad Love!