Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Humor: Happy 100th Birthday Toaster!

[via: Gizmodo]

2009 marks the 100th birthday of the invention of the toaster. Oddly enough this year also marks the 3rd birthday of the taco-ster.

Music: The Dead - Friend Of The Devil

Hmm, does anyone else find The View to be an odd choice of venues for The Dead? I guess Jerry's death really did mark the end of an era! Regardless, Farilla and I will be getting our hippie-shake on at their local show this May! I'm just going for the free grilled cheese sammiches...so you can pick your jaw up off the floor now.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Art: Beer Bottle Buddhist Temple

[Dude Craft]

Thai monks from the Sisaket province have used over one million recycled glass bottle to construct their Buddhist temple. Mindfulness is at the center of the Buddhist discipline and the dedication and thoughtfulness required to build everything from the toilets to their crematorium from recycled bottles shows what creativity and elbow grease can accomplish.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Burning Man 2009: Hooptastic

Burning Man 2009: Hooptastic
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Special Ops/Ranger Hooper represents at the first Homeslice meeting of the year. Great turnout. Fantastic first discussion! Thanks to all who participacted! Love!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life: The Stache


The Stache made an appearance at both Kheddarz birthday happy hour and Bass Ritual last week.  I love the smiles it generates.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life: Bass Ritual!

Life: Bass Ritual!
Life: Bass Ritual!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

It's 2:42AM.   DJ Saadhu is on the decks. Do you know where your children are?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life: Last Night On The Pier

Life:  Last Night On The Pier
Life: Last Night On The Pier
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Santa Monica Pier Carousel in full effect. It was interesting to see so many adults riding those horses. Even more interesting...scary bunny was a crowd favorite!

DIY: Make Yer Own Stilts!

It's that easy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Art: The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello

Nominated for an Oscar and for a BAFTA award, Jasper Morello is a short feature made in a unique style of silhouette animation developed by director Anthony Lucas and inspired by the work of authors Edgar Alan Poe and Jules Verne.

Music: Simian Mobile Disco @ The Fonda 3/16/09

What you missed...

Humor: Indexed - Enjoy This Ironic Holiday

Life: Encore'd!

Life: Encore'd!
Life: Encore'd!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Simian Mobile Disco @ The Fonda

Life: It's The Beat!

Life: It's The Beat!Life: It's The Beat!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Life: Simian Mobile Disco

Life: Simian Mobile DiscoLife: Simian Mobile Disco
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Life: You Are Here!

Life: You Are Here!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Crossroads Cafe, 29 Palms, CA

It's nice to be back.

Life: In Step

Life: In Step
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Life: A Favorite!

Life: A Favorite!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Life: Exfoliation To The Max

Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

We got muddy!

Life: Happy Birthday, Love!

Life: Happy Birthday, Love!
Life: Happy Birthday, Love!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Wow...what an amazing day! I LOVE celebrating Farilla's Birfday! Now off to Joshua Tree.

Life: Happy Pi Day!

Pi Day Countdown

Pi by Wislawa Szymborska

The admirable number pi:
three point one four one.
All the following digits are also just a start,
five nine two because it never ends.
It can't be grasped, six five three five , at a glance,
eight nine, by calculation,
seven nine, through imagination,
or even three two three eight in jest, or by comparison
four six to anything
two six four three in the world.
The longest snake on earth ends at thirty-odd feet.
Same goes for fairy tale snakes, though they make it a little longer.
The caravan of digits that is pi
does not stop at the edge of the page,
but runs off the table and into the air,
over the wall, a leaf, a bird's nest, the clouds, straight into the sky,
through all the bloatedness and bottomlessness.
Oh how short, all but mouse-like is the comet's tail!
How frail is a ray of starlight, bending in any old space!
Meanwhile two three fifteen three hundred nineteen
my phone number your shirt size
the year nineteen hundred and seventy-three sixth floor
number of inhabitants sixty-five cents
hip measurement two fingers a charade and a code,
in which we find how blithe the trostle sings!
and please remain calm,
and heaven and earth shall pass away,
but not pi, that won't happen,
it still has an okay five,
and quite a fine eight,
and all but final seven,
prodding and prodding a plodding eternity
to last.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Life: Farilla's BDay-Eve Dinner

Life: Farilla's BDay-Eve Dinner
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Akasha...2 thumbs up! Next up...off to the desert!

Running: Working On My Pace

I kept it short this morning because my focus was on my pace. I've been overly consumed with distance lately so it felt really good to kick things up a notch. The trade off being that I only ran about 13 miles this week. My goal was 15+. But, there's always next week!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Music: iDaft

Totally addicted...

"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"

Work It
Make It
Do It
Makes Us
More Than
Work is
Over [x2]

Work It Harder Make It Better
Do It Faster, Makes Us stronger
More Than Ever Hour After
Our Work Is Never Over

I'm so loving this!  CLICK HERE to create you're very own version of Daft Punk's Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger with this bad-ass soundboard created by Matias Najle.  Complete Righteousness!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Art: Invader WINS!

[Wooster Collective]

Burning Man: Black Rock Barbie LIVES!

Black Rock Barbie LIVES!!!

Commander will be pleased, no doubt!

UPDATE: Black Rock Barbie & Sneaker presiding over the Homeslice Camp Placement Map! (In case you forgot her roll in camp last year.)

178 days until the Man burns...is your tutu ready?!

Photos: Anza Borrego & The Salton Sea

Last weekend Farilla and I set off for a day trip to Anza Borrego Desert State Park. The wildflowers were indeed reprezentin'! We found a stellar picnic spot near Coyote Canyon where we submerged ourselves in some of Mother Nature's finest work! Wow! Did I mention the weather was fantastic...low 70's and not a cloud in the sky. Beau-ti-ful!
Solo, Yet Not

We were lucky to catch these blooms. These were the first of their kind to pop in the section of the park we were exploring.
A Fresh Start

After lunch we decided to push on to The Salton Sea. Along the way we stopped to check out some of Richard Breceda's sculptures.
Tin Roof Rusted

If you're not familiar with The Salton Sea it's a large lake that was formed about a hundred years ago when the Colorado River swelled during heavy rainfall. It's extremely salinated as well as polluted from all of the agricultural runoff. As such, it's pretty desolate. In fact, it was seriously eerie exploring the abandoned North Shore section of the lake....dead fish, gutted buildings, deserted AND sinking playground equipment!

North Shore barnacle beach:
They're Sharp

The Yacht Club:
Abandoned Yacht Club

Inside the Yacht Club:
<span class=

Abandoned Pool Inhabitants:
Desert Life

These were some local kids who claimed to spend a lot of time skating in the pool. I'm guessing there's not much else out here for them to do! In Formation

Such a great trek...about a two and a half hour drive each way from West LA. We'll definitely have to make another trip back to explore farther South. So much to see! Until then feel free to enjoy the rest of my snaps from our adventure.

Running: 300th Mile, 9 Months, 75 Workouts

During 9 out of the last 13 months I've tracked my running stats with my Nike+. Today I logged my 301st mile in 75 workouts.  I probably would have hit this milestone a lot sooner if I hadn't taken my customary 4 month break from training post-Burn. Note to self...MUST STOP DOING THAT!

I've been running more slowly as compared to this time last year and my joints are thanking me for this. While I don't feel an immediate desire to get back up to a 7 minute mile pace I would like to at least get back into the 7:30 zone again. I think this goal is totally doable without putting too much extra wear and tear on my knees and hips.  Something I tuned into periodically when I was running at a faster pace last year.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Humor: Flying High (Literally) On Aeroflot Russian Airlines


A (quite young looking) Russian pilot and flight attendant film themselves smoking hash on a recent Aeroflot flight.  wtf?!   Seriously, people!

Running: 4 Down, 4 To Go!

I'm experiencing a love/hate relationship with the time change right now. I'm back in the dark during my morning workout....Boo! That said, I am glad to report that I actually remembered to set my Nike+ (which logs my running stats) before I was three miles into my run today...unlike last week.

I just noticed that I'm 4 miles away from logging my 300th mile...w00t!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Art: Legends Of Exos


PSST3 Pass It On is collaborative film project is composed of 17 films made by 51 teams of directors and animators from around the globe. Each film is broken into three parts- a beginning, a middle, and an end- and each part is created by a different team.
Part III...ftw!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Art: Art-fully Familiar...

Just wondering if anyone else picked up on the uncanny resemblance between Coraline's Evil Mother and the characters in Camille Rose Garcia's art (below)? I almost jumped out of my seat at first glimpse of Evil Mom on the silver screen because she looked so familiar...

I've Googled to see if Camille had anything to do with the movie but haven't found her linked to Coraline at all. Hmmm...

Mine: If You Can't Grow One, Buy One!

Lupin Handmade
Black Felt Moustache
$11.50 + shipping

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Photos: Farilla Practicing Buugeng

After a fantastic Sunday gathering at the Library Alehouse with my Nor Cal DHS crew Farilla and I wandered over towards the beach to catch the sunset. Along the way we encountered The Tree Man (aka "Lionel, on the inside"). Simply brilliant! I can't believe The Tree Man has never been to the Playa! If you see him around the Venice/Santa Monica area hook a brotha up with a tip to help him get to Burning Man, yo!

But I digress, it was such a beautiful afternoon we decided to grab Special Ops' Buugeng (which we PROMISE to return one of these days) to get in some practice time. I can't believe how quickly Farilla has picked up this mesmerizing art form! He's a complete natural! Here are a couple of stills I snapped with my iPhone...

<span class=

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Unfortunately these snaps don't do this beautiful visual art any justice. For a better look at Buugeng check out Dai, the Buugeng Master, here...

Friends: More Surprise Visitors!

Life: More Surprise Visitors!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

I'm grateful that my friends know my door is always open. Ly and Brian were in the hood and decided to stop by to introduce me to their beautiful son Brenden. He's a little bundle of deliciousness. I can't wait to schedule a REAL playdate with the Jarrard clan very soon. Thanks, guys, for stopping in to say hello! And congrats, again!

Art: From Command Central...

Saturday, March 7th, 7pm-3am

613 Imperial Street

Downtown, LA


Create:Fixate presents
“Wisdom Within Us”
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Premiere Events Center
613 Imperial St. LA, CA 90013

Just Added! Adam Freeland will join the musical line-up for Saturday Night!
Early arrival suggested....stay late for a special dance floor experience!

“Wisdom Within Us” is a theme exploring the convergence of the word and the picture;
the text and the vision; the concept and the manifestation. On March 7th, emerging
and established visual artists and musicians come together to celebrate language and
the images it inspires. Each artist has been asked to choose a meaningful quote to
influence the creation of a new art piece to be shown as part of their body of work.


Angie Jones : Ashton Trujillo : Betsy Ullery : Chris Dingle : Daniel Mercadante
David Phillips : Ela Boyd : Eric Grimes : Gabriel Rivera : Hans Haveron : Jason Hadley
JC Jaress : Joseph Fernandez : Keri Rosebraugh : Kerianne Connor : Liz Brizzi
Michael Pukac : Michelle Perone : Monica Roache : Neil Simon Poyuzina : Paul Zelevansky
Robert A.D. Frick : Seth Balliett : Treiops Treyfid : Vincent G. Madrid : Walt Hall : Yuki Miyazaki


Bronze Age Modern / Billie Shane : Brooke Benson Designs : Creasol Mosaics
Doe Studio : Sasha Bell Jewelry : Victoria Reyna Designs

Carlos Vera : Hans Haveron : Michael Pukac

Original Hip Hop Chocolates

"The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett."



Special Musical Guest...
Adam Freeland
Marine Parade

LAB .01
Square-1 Kether : Love Grenades Live/Modus Vivendi : Spain Live
Dj Anthony Plamondon MOCA/Bar 107 : Cajami Technopop

LAB .02
Steve Loria Bang the Drum : Jonra DesignForms : AudioMoe
Irwin’s Conspiracy
Live : Morgan Alexander Soulmusement



C:F Board Members, Staff, & Volunteers for their contributions and dedication!

SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2009 : 7pm - 3am
*Kids Creativity Zone from 4-7 pm*

Premiere Events Center
613 Imperial St., Los Angeles, CA 90013
$15 Admission before
10pm/$20 after
Gallery Preview $5 suggested donation

- Parking -
There is plenty of street parking on the surrounding blocks.
A parking lot will be open just south of the venue ($7 per car).

Our Gourmet BBQ will be serving delights all night long!
(and is vegetarian friendly)

‘LIBERATE YOUR PERCEPTON’ AT www.createfixate.com

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Humor: I DO NOT heart Elizabeth....

...so this made me laugh extra hard. Will Bush jokes ever get old?

Humor: Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog


This is funny until you watch it repeatedly....then it starts feeling like animal cruelty.