Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life: More Santa Monica Fireworks

Life: More Santa Monica Fireworks
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Through rainbow glasses!

UPDATE:  (Due to the number of hits I'm getting from Peeps looking for info on the 2008 Santa Monica fireworks show I'm adding this note.)  The annual SM fireworks show was held on Saturday, June 29, 2008. Lame, I know, but the event has passed...if the 4th doesn't fall on a Saturday the City of Santa Monica holds the celebration on the Saturday before Independence Day.

Life: Santa Monica Fireworks!

Life: Santa Monica Fireworks!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

UPDATE: (Due to the number of hits I'm getting from Peeps looking for info on the 2008 Santa Monica fireworks show I'm adding this note.) The annual SM fireworks show was held on Saturday, June 29, 2008. Lame, I know, but the event has passed...if the 4th doesn't fall on a Saturday the City of Santa Monica holds the celebration on the Saturday before Independence Day.

Life: Should I Be Offended?

I've been Monster-sitting for the past couple of days at the Red House and the neighbors have added yet another barker to their collection.  Mind you, the last time these folks tried to adopt another Chihuahua the agency came into the home to make sure it was an appropriate place for Yo Quiero #2 to reside.  They were ultimately denied their adoption request stating that one of the dogs currently living in the household was too aggressive.  How the agency reps were able to come to this conclusion still remains a mystery but I applaud them for recognizing a potentially bad situation.  Not only has their Biter attacked The Mon (on two separate occasions) but she also attacked her own (much smaller) brother which resulted in a bunch of stitches all over his head and face.   

But I digress, a couple of weeks ago as I was leaving the Red House New Pup ran in my direction.  The neighbor began calling his name to get him to come back.  "Obie, Obie, Come Obie....OBAMA COME!"  I couldn't believe what I was hearing!  These uber-conservative Fox-news watching REPUBLICANS named their new black Chihuahua pup Obama!?  Am I right to be completely offended or am I just being overly sensitive because I don't get along with these folks?  

Either way I consider myself fortunate since I'm not forced to listen to them calling this dog's name two hundred times a day on a regular basis...these past few days have been bad enough.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Humor: Indexed - And Often Barefoot

Burning Man: Paul Addis Update

From Burning Blog:

"In other post-2007 news, we’ve heard a report from Pershing County, where Paul Addis’s restitution hearing and sentencing were held yesterday afternoon. Addis recently pled guilty to charges related to setting fire to the Burning Man figure days early at last year’s event. At yesterday’s hearing, the judge found evidence beyond a reasonable doubt showing the damages were in excess of $5,000 and thus Addis was convicted of a felony arson charge. After hearing Addis speak on his own behalf, the judge sentenced him to 12-48 months in prison and ordered him to pay $25,000 in restitution. (EDITOR’S NOTE: the preceding paragraph has been updated to add corrected information on the exact charge to which Mr. Addis pleaded.)"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Photos: Sandra's B-day Celebration :: 6/2008

Happy Birthweek, Lady!  I had such a blast celebrating with you last weekend.  Too much fun, indeed!  I hope all of your birthday wishes come true! Love Love Love~

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Happy Wishes

Well Lit!

Happy <span class=


She Makes Him Laugh...


To view 29 additional smile-worthy images from this celebration click here.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Yosemite: Almost Down

Yosemite: Almost Down
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Nevada Falls

Yosemite: Photos Or It Didn't Happen

Yosemite: Photos Or It Didn't Happen
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Time to head back down.

Yosemite: I Did It!!!

Yosemite: I Did It!!!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Like being on top of the moon.

Yosemite: Six Hours To The Base

Yosemite: Six Hours To The Base
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Yes, it is as steep as it looks!!!

Yosemite: Five Hours In...Almost There!!!

Yosemite: Five Hours In...Almost There!!!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Yosemite: Going To The Top Of THAT!

Yosemite: Going To The Top Of THAT!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Wish you were all here with me.

Yosemite: A Little More Than Half Way Up

Yoseite: A Little More Than Half Way Up
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Yosemite: Mist Trail

Yosemite: Mist Trail
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio


Yosemite: Vernal Falls

Yosemite: Vernal Falls
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

It's misty!

Yosemite: Off To The Trailhead...

Yosemite: Off To The Trailhead...
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Life: The Mermaid

The Mermaid
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Fill 'er up!

Life: South Bay Reprezent!

Life: South Bay Reprezent!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

The life...

Music: Daedelus - Candied Assortment (Megamix)

Oh My!
(rendered speechless)

Mine: I Am Not A Paper Cup

Last January I added to my ever growing Wish List this lovely little gem appropriately named 'I am not a paper cup...'. Once NAPC was finally made available (Decor Craft, Inc.) it STILL took a couple of months to get my hands on this reusable double walled porcelain vessel of the hot-beverage-drinking gods (complete with silicone lid)!

I couldn't be happier with this purchase. I've had NAPC for a couple of weeks now and much like my Klean Kanteen I rarely leave home without her.
I've already gifted one to an avid coffee drinker and he loves it as well. And it's totally entertaining to watch the baristas at my regular chai latte haunts COMPLETELY trip out over this cup. Trust me when I say that NAPC exemplifies radness to the 10th degree!

And if that didn't compel you to order up your own then maybe these stats will help convince you that the waste produced from disposable coffee cups is no joke.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Music: Blade Runner + Massive Attack's Angel

Mine: Could.Not.Resist.

How could I resist?

1) They're ADIDAS!
2) They're Blue
3) They're Orange!
4)They were on SALE!

I may never take them off! Better yet, I think I'll name my first-born after them...ZX 700! Rolls right off the tongue, don'tcha think?!


LOST: They're Trying To Recruit Me!

fromOctagon Global Recruiting
ccHans Van Eeghen
dateThu, Jun 19, 2008 at 6:04 AM
subjectRecruitment Information

Octagon Global Recruiting, on behalf of the Dharma Initiative, would like to thank you for registering your expression of interest in our latest volunteer recruitment drive.

We will be launching in San Diego on July 24th at Comic-Con International offering select registrants the opportunity to take an exciting aptitude test that will give applicants the chance to demonstrate their unique talents.

The Dharma Initiative hopes you will be able to join us to find out more about their ground-breaking new research project. We will contact you closer to the date with more information.

For those not able to join us in San Diego, Dharma's full recruitment program will be made available online to registered recruits after July 27th.

In the meantime, the Dharma Initiative urges you to spread the word. Invite your colleagues to join the team at www.octagonglobalrecruiting.com and take part in this once in a lifetime opportunity.

If you can't view the images in this email please click here

This message and its attachments are confidential and may contain information which is protected by copyright. It is intended solely for the named addressee. If you are not the authorised recipient (or responsible for delivery of the message to the authorised recipient), you must not use, disclose, print, copy or deliver this message or its attachments to anyone. If you receive this email in error, please contact the sender immediately and permanently delete this message and its attachments from your system. Any content of this message and its attachments that does not relate to the official business of the Dharma Initiative or its subsidiaries must be taken not to have been sent or endorsed by any of them. No representation is made that this email or its attachments are without defect or that the contents express views other than those of the sender.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Humor: Taco Tuesday-Opus Moreschi

I met Opus during my recent adventure to Granite Pass....funny doesn't even begin to describe this dude.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Photos: Father's Day @ Venice Beach, CA 6/2008

I received a text from my favorite Eastside loft-dwellers last Sunday inviting me to join them for a Father's Day drink at On The Waterfront in Venice Beach...Best Father's Day Ever!

His Day...
Kite Flyer

Like Sands Through The Hour Glass...

Sandy Happiness...

Dad's Day Crew...
Waterfront Crew

For a few more snaps from our afternoon click here.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What I'm Watching Right Now...

What I'm Watching Right Now...
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Yes he IS talking on the phone and sucking on her toes at the same
time...multitalented, indeed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Music: Brighton Port Authority - Toe Jam

Norman Cook (aka Fat Boy Slim) in collaboration with David Byrne and Dizzee Rascal.

Art: Promenade New Year Celebration In June?!

Crosswalk Countdown - GuerilLA from Kelly Herrington on Vimeo.

"GuerilLA had some New Year’s Eve style fun this past weekend. Agent Wilner writes:

In Santa Monica there are many crosswalks that have countdown clocks signifying how long you have until you can’t cross the intersection anymore. We gathered a group of 50 agents and counted down a number of those clocks - very loudly. At the end of each countdown we went nuts - hugging, hi-fiving, cheering, screaming, using our noisemakers, toasting with our fake champagne, etc. Just like on New Year’s Eve. It was amazing! We did this at about seven intersections along the Santa Monica Promenade and then dispersed.

Also worth noting is that two participants got engaged during the mission (you’ll notice they are congratulated at the end of the video.) What better time to get engaged than New Year’s Eve! On June 8!"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Burning Man: Homeslice Meeting No. 3...

Burning Man: Homeslice Meeting No. 3...
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

...in full effect, yo!

Burning Man: Playa Wear - Ruffle Vest

I DID IT!!! Back in February I wrote about a super rad DIY Burning Man costume idea which I ran across on Threadbanger. As soon as I saw their instructional video I knew it was a "must have" for my Playa ensemble. Thanks to the recent Homeslice Costume Inspiration Workshop I finally got around to creating my new favorite Burner accessory! The only problem is, much like my tutu, I now want to wear it EVERYWHERE!

I found this pair of Le Gatte Jeans at a Santa Monica Goodwill. As soon as I saw them I knew they'd be perfect for this particular upcycle.

I Turned Them In To Something Completely Playa-licious!

My ruffle vest took a few hours to complete (not counting the hour it took just to work myself up to placing the first cut in these uber-pricey Italian designer jeans). However, admittedly, I was working at a pretty conservative pace.

And then just like magic....
Burning Man: Ruffle Vest

Prepared To Burn...Ruffle Vest

For instructions on how to make your very own Circus-Princess Ruffle Vest check out my original post here.

Humor: Cheese Is Life


(click the link)

Art: Do Not Push

This made me laugh out loud at least a half a dozen times. Be sure to watch closely to pick up on some of the finer details.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Running: Easing Back In....

For those who aren't aware I've had to take a break from running in order to mend some injuries.  My 'new' NikeiD's crapped out just shy of 200 miles.   As such, they started causing some pretty painful wear and tear on my feet.  Then due to overcompensating for said pain my tracking was thrown off and my hip started to pay the price.  NO FUN AT ALL.  

After weeks of trying to push through the pain I finally forced myself to take the last 3 weeks off so my body could heal.  In the meantime I've been hooked up with a gym membership so that I can run safely on a treadmill rather than dodging cars and lifted sidewalks around Rancho Park/Cheviot Hills.

I kept tonight's run slow and short in order to assess things.  Glad to report that I feel great and I'm completely stoked about being back in the gym. 

Thirteen days until I climb Half Dome...

Politics: I'm Voting Republican...

...because Texas needs more billionaires.

Humor: Robert Downey Jr. Cured by BK Whopper

From Ecorazzi.com:

"Downey recently told
magazine that it was Burger King that helped him kick his terrible drug addiction back in 2003. Downey recalls driving with “tons of f***ing dope” in his car when he stopped at Burger King for a burger, but the food made him feel so bad he thought he had overdosed. He said: “I have to thank Burger King. It was such a disgusting burger I ordered. I had that, and this big soda, and I thought something really bad was going to happen.” Robert immediately threw all his drugs into the sea and decided to turn his life around."

Okay, this is too funny!!! There's a scene in Iron Man where Downey's character, Tony Stark, asks for a burger after being held captive in the Middle East. I'll give you one guess where the burger was from. How you like R.D. Jr. now, BK? I'll bet that the King of Burgers won't be doing product placement deals on future Downey movies any time soon.

Burning Man: Costume Inspiration Workshop & Meeting

A couple of weekends ago Chai Guy and Special Ops hosted a rockfabulous Costume Inspiration Workshop followed by the 2nd Homeslice meeting of 2008. The workshop was more creative fun than I've had in way too long. It totally helped me re-achieve creative enlightenment which has been lacking as of late. Big THANKS to Chai and Ops for being such gracious hosts. Here are a few snaps from our afternoon.

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The Early Crew (no pun intended)...
Work-On-Yer-Tan Workshop!?

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Discussing Biz

Say Yeah!

I finally made the super rad Threadbanger Ruffle Vest which I blogged about a few months ago. It's totally worthy of its own post...stay tuned! Until then you can peep the rest of the pics from our afternoon here.