Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life: Thank Goodness For The List!

Life: Thank Goodness For The List!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

My six year old niece, Lil L, went to see Santa last week. She spent so much time telling him what a good girl she's been that she ran out of time to tell him what she wanted for Christmas. Thank goodness for the list!

Life: Farilla's Famous Nog Recipe

Life: Farilla's Famous Nog Recipe
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

We have successful eggnog. -Farilla

Life: Two Words...Charlie Brown.

Life: Two Words...Charlie Brown.
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

And it's alive, to boot!

Life: Air Quality

Life: Air Quality
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

You know you're in Nor Cal when...

Monday, December 21, 2009

DIY: Succulent Terrarium

Looking for an inexpensive last minute holiday gift? Look no further....thanks to Martha I threw together this Succulent Terrarium in about 30 minutes for less than $20.

DIY Succulent Terrarium

DIY Succulent Terrarium

DIY Succulent Terrarium

With a leftover tea tin and an extra succulent I made this guy....
DIY Succulent Terrarium

You can go here for step-by-step instructions on how to make your own succulent terrarium.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Life: Decorated!

Life: Decorated!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Yes, it's taken a few days but we were finally able to get the
decorations up on the tree.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Life: Mo's Dark Bacon Bar

Life: Mo's Dark Bacon Bar
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

A bacon chocolate bar...as seen at Cost Plus World Market. Nothing about this is okay.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Music: Zero 7 On Morning Becomes Eclectic

In case you missed it....

Music: Zero 7 - Pageant of the Bizarre 12/16/09

Re-watching this just gave me the chills. Eska Abimaro and Olivia Chaney are melodic magicians.

Life: Zero 7 o'clock

Life: Zero 7 o'clock
Life: Zero 7 o'clock
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Life: Standing O!

Life: Standing O!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

I'm seriously blown away right now. It's as if Farilla and I were teleported to another time/planet/frontier. WOW...is the best way I can describe what we just witnessed.


Life: Zero 7 @ The Orpheum

Life: Zero 7 @ The Orpheum
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Amazing doesn't even begin to describe....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life: Up Next...Zero 7!!!

Life: Up Next...Zero 7!!!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Life: Oh Christmas Tree!

Life: Oh Christmas Tree!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Getting our Christmas tree up and decorated is turning into a multi-day project. Last night we brought it home. Tonight we got it lit. Hopefully, soon, we'll have the decorations up. It's such a busy time of year. Stay tuned...

Music: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Kisses Over Babylon

Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros "KISSES OVER BABYLON" from Edward Sharpe on Vimeo.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Life: Shutterillaville's First Visitor!

Life: Shutterillaville's First Visitor!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Sammy used to live here so he likes to drop in from time to time see what we've done with the place.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Life: Break Time

Life: Break Time
Life: Break Time
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Just taking a little break from STACKS of cardboard boxes to get some presents wrapped. What did you ask Santa for Christmas? I'm hoping he'll bring me a Ukelele or one of Dave Choe's Siamese Twins!

Life: Up To My Ears In....

Life: Up To My Ears In....
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Life: The Stockings Were Hung...

Life: The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care

We're still making our way through a gazillion boxes but I was able to get our stockings up and my Book Tree put back together. Ahhh, progress....

Wish List: Love in BOLD

by Christian Brett
via POW
53cm X 35cm
Signed and numbered limited edition of 100 prints.


Music: Kristin Andreassen - Crayola Doesn't Make A Color For Your Eyes

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Music: Vampire Weekend - California English, Pt. 2

I had a dream last night that it snowed in Los Angeles...Oh California, indeed!

Rad: Parkour - The Art Of Moving

Parkour (sometimes also abbreviated to PK) or l'art du déplacement [1] (English: the art of moving) is a non- competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible, as if moving in an emergency situation. Skills such as jumping and climbing, or the more specific parkour moves are employed. The object of parkour is to get from one place to another using only the human body and the objects in the environment. The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Life: A Much Deserved Surprise

Life: A Much Deserved Surprise
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

I'm not even kidding...those beers got us through the final push. Cheers to that.

Life: I Own Too Much Stuff....

Life: I Own Too Much Stuff....
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

...there, I said it. That's all mine. My place + The Red House = one 17' truck bursting at the seams. Keep in mind that I've been moving stuff over to Shutterillaville ALL week. One thing is for sure...a yard sale is in our near future.

Life: Farilla + The Foreman

Life: Farilla + The Foreman
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Brunch at Norms then moving onto the Red House.

Life: Let The Move Begin!

Life: Let The Move Begin!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

My place: Done!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tech: What We Really Want Robots For....


Art: Madame Tutli-Putli

From YouTube...
This stop-motion animated film takes viewers on an exhilarating existential journey into the fully imagined, tactile world of Madame Tutli-Putli. As she travels alone on the night train, weighed down with her all her earthly possessions and the ghosts of her past, she faces both the kindness and menace of strangers. Finding herself caught up in a desperate metaphysical adventure, adrift between real and imagined worlds. she confronts her demons.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Life: It's Official...

Roll & Tumble Press

Posts have been light. Thanks for hanging in there. Condensing 2.5 households into one is no joke. I'm getting by right now on the sheer fact that we'll have our first Christmas Tree together up SOON! Stay tuned....

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life: My New Favorite Past Time

Life: My New Favorite Past Time
Life: My New Favorite Past Time
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Red Velvet & Pumpkin Spice with Maple Frosting. Mmm, Mmm good.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Life: Safe!

Life: Safe!
Life: Safe!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

As seen on the streets of Venice.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rad: The Termites Lifestyle

When I grow up I wanna be a professional skateboarder and I also wanna become a lawyer. -Allysha Le Bergado

You can buy your favorite shorty their very own Termite board here. Christmas is right around the corner, yo!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Life: What Farilla & ET's Kids Would Look Like

Life: What Farilla & ET's Kids Would Look Like
Life: What Farilla & ET's Kids Would Look Like
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Just a little fun in the cold medicine aisle at CVS. *cough, hack, sneeze*. I'm sick. :(

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life: Video Footage Of The UCLA Fee Hike Demonstration

Ahh, I remember my demonstration days fondly. I've been on the front line of two celebrations/demonstrations-turned-riots very similar to this. Both ended with people all around me being beaten with batons and shot with rubber bullets by none other than the LAPD. I can assure you that the mob mentality is no joke. The LAPD will win every time, people. I've definitely learned my lesson and choose to stick with peaceful protests from here on out. Personal reflection aside, I can't believe a THIRTY TWO PERCENT fee hike was approved by the UC Regents. It will be interesting to see how this effects future enrollment.

Life: Even More UCLA Fee Hike Demonstrators

Life: Even More UCLA Fee Hike Demonstrators
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Life: UCLA Fee Increase Demonstration

Life: UCLA Fee Increase Demonstration
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

You can read more about the 32% fee hike here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Humor: Doc Ellis & The LSD No-No

From YouTube...
In celebration of the greatest athletic achievement by a man on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter.

Life: Shopping Cart Xmas Tree

Life: Shopping Cart Xmas Tree
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

As seen on Main Street in Santa Monica.