Life: Nor Cal Engagement Party!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio
Bottomless Mimosas, Framily, Cupcakes, Live Music, Sunshine, Ducks &
Virginia Waterslides = a pretty stellar morning!
I found this harness on Etsy a few months back for $80 (including
shipping). I won't even deny it...it was love at first sight.
However, I couldn't justify the cost so this morning I pulled out my
trusty needle nosed plyers and my new dressform and got to work. The
crystal was purchased off etsy for $2.00 and I found the antiqued
chain at Michaels (on clearance) for $1.50. My own two hands just
saved me $76.50!
It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years. ~Simone Signoret