Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life: Baked Apple Deliciousness!

Life: Baked Apple Deliciousness!
Life: Baked Apple Deliciousness!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

I'm trying a new baked apple recipe (in Gram's vintage Pyrex!) sans butter and sugar. Well see how they come out. I wish you could smell our house right now! Yum!

Life: Aging Myself...

Life: Aging Myself...
Life: Aging Myself...
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

There are children on this planet who have no idea what all this is. How lucky are they to be born in the digital age?!

Life: Meet Gusto!

Life: Meet Gusto!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

This is our newest nephew, Gusto! At a mere 8 weeks young this little dude is 110% pup-tastic! Tim & Tessa are absolutely over the friggen moon about their growing family. And we couldn't be happier for them!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Life: Learning My First Song!

Life: Learning My First Song!
Life: Learning My First Song!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

After two weeks of shopping around and hours of research online I finally settled on the perfect Ukulele. We ended up buying it at the first place we looked, Westwood Music. I can't speak highly enough about this music shop. The vibe is super friendly with a totally relaxed atmoshpere. I really wanted a Soprano uke until I heard (and felt) the Kala Concert Ukulele I ended up with. Just couldn't get the tone out of my mind despite the many ukes we checked out. I've already started learning my first song. Oh how I love Birthweek! Thanks, Love, for yet another fantastic Birthday gift. NOW GIVE IT BACK!

Music: Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl (SOULWAX REMIX)

This made me laugh....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Photos: National Pie Day In Review...

Lunch with the family at Library Alehouse....

Cupcake extravaganza at Shutterillaville...

Introducing Lil' L to the magnificent world of Spirographs...

Birthday gift shopping....

Afterburn Afterhours @ Area 33....

Eva's face melting set....

How blessed am I to have so much love (and so many cupcakes) in my life! Wow...so blessed!

Music: The xx - VCR

You just know...

Humor: The Hero!

[Thanks, Richard]

Watch this short film from Sweden and your life will be forever changed...for the better.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Music: Rad Omen - Rad Anthem

RAD OMEN - "Rad Anthem" from Nicholaus Goossen on Vimeo.

Ronald, The King, The Colonel, Jack and Wendy hit the Strip. This can't be good.

Birthday: Yesterday...

Birthday: Yesterday...
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

...was filled with lots of these. And tons of love.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Food: Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

I cooked up some quinoa a couple nights ago which was completely uninspired. In an effort to redeem my cooking abilities I decided to take make these stuffed peppers with the leftovers. The recipe below is adapted from this recipe I found on Allrecipes.com.

2 cups veggie broth
1 cup uncooked quinoa
2 red bell peppers, halved and seeded
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, diced
1 teaspoon dried basil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon 21 Seasonings Salute
ground black pepper, to taste
1 tomato, diced
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

-Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly grease a baking sheet.
-Rinse quinoa then prepare (according to package) with veggie broth, set aside.
-Place the peppers, cut-side down, on the prepared baking sheet. Roast 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until tender and skin starts to brown.
-While the peppers are roasting, heat oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the onions, basil, 21 Seasoning Salute, garlic and pepper in oil for 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the tomato, and cook for 5 minutes. Spoon in the cooked rice, and stir until heated through. Remove from heat, mix in the non-fat feta cheese, and spoon the mixture into the pepper halves.
-Return to the oven for 5 minutes. Serve immediately.

This dish turned out so good! So much flavor. In fact, Farilla referred to it as a meal good enough to serve to guests! Aww, thanks honey! Worth noting, the listed spice measurements are just estimates. I highly suggest adding all the seasonings to taste. Fortunately we had a little leftover quinoa so tonight I'll be stuffing some marinated Portabella mushroom caps. Mmmm.

Film: Banksy - Exit Through The Gift Shop

I will see this.

Art: Camille Rose Garcia - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

I will own this.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life: Vote For Me!

I currently have 7 submissions in Adorama's iPhone Photo contest. Please have a looksie and vote for me if you feel so inclined. Below are my submissions. By clicking on a photo you'll be taken directly to the site where you can vote on that particular image. Thanks for your consideration!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life: Last Night...

Last night at our friend's house party...

Dude: So, do you guys like to party?
Me: I'm not even sure I know what you mean.
Farilla: No.

Apparently, Farilla knew exactly what he meant.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Life: Closet/Shoe Organization

The closets in our 1940's era home are tinier than tiny. Since storage is an absolute premium I've been forced to find ways to live more efficiently (and simply). Adding a shoe shelf was such an easy and inexpensive (yet completely effective) solution for the shoe-xpolsion that was living on my closet floor. Another tip...slipping rolled-up magazines inside your boots helps them to maintain their form and keeps them upright.

Closet/Shoe Organization: Before...

Closet/Shoe Organization: After

Life: Ding Dong

Life: Ding Dong
Life: Ding Dong
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

As seen in Westwood Village.

Life: Afternoon Hooping

Life: Afternoon Hooping
Life: Afternoon Hooping
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Happening upon this hooping class this afternoon, taught by Pamela Randolph, put the biggest smile on my face. Pamela is a member of UCLA's FitSquad which travels around campus offering fitness education. This fitness based hooping class is open to all members of the Wooden Center and/or UCLA students/faculty/staff. Brava, Pamela! Keep up the good work!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Life: Fireplace Mantel Redux

Life: Fireplace Mantle Redux
Life: Fireplace Mantle Redux
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Since I've been home all week I decided it was time to de-Christmas the mantel. My Choegal and the Siamese Twins couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Indexed - I Tend To Disagree...

As a 14 year veggie I tend to disagree but I know many of you out there will whole heartedly disagree with my disagreement!

Art: Flip Book Parkour

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

Seriously, ridiculous!

Music: Alex Metric - It Starts

Bravo, Richard! Great vid!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Life: 1/1/2010 @ 1:20pm

The 405 through West LA:

Life: 1/1/2010 @ 1:20pm
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

I've lived in LA for 16 years and I don't ever recall a time when traffic was this light!

Life: 5AM...And All Is Right In My World!!

Life: 5AM...And All Is Right In My World!!
Originally uploaded by Sanctuary-Studio

Happy New Year party people! Huge thanks to the Area 33 crew for the righteous celebration. Evil achieved such face melting octaves that we've now coined the term Eargasim to explain the way our eardrums were vibrating from all that BASS! Dude, seriously. Mad love to all the Legends who rallied for Eva's 2 o'clock set. There's nothing like being on the dance floor with all of you. As always, L-bots armbands were a huge hit. Yes, THE TIME IS NOW! Thanks, Lizzie, for that reminder.

Wishing you ALL a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010 (and beyond).
