Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DIY: Honor Roll Worthy!

Farilla and I found out last week that our Framed Vertical Succulent Garden Tutorial achieved Honor Roll status in the ReadyMade 100 contest I entered! WIN!  Thanks, again for all of your votes and support!

April/May 2011
Vertical Succulent Garden Tutorial Shout-out in ReadyMade Magazine April/May 2011

Check out No 5...
No. 5 - Vertical Succulent Garden Tutorial Shout-out in ReadyMade Magazine April/May 2011

There were 25 featured projects in the, just released, April/May edition of ReadyMade Magazine.  And another 25 projects were selected for the Honor Roll.  Out of hundreds of submissions our tutorial placed in the top 30 best projects of the year!  All of the featured tutorials are phenomenal so I consider it a complete honor to be recognized alongside these fellow Makers.  Bravo and Conrats to all of the Winners!


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