Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Photos: Burning Man 2010 - Metropolis

11th Burn Highlights... 

Double Rainbow Madness. Homeslice/Playa Surfers Convergence at the Disorient Art Car Wash.  Sunrise Silent White Procession....where He asked & I said Yes!  Tony & Laura's Wedding Ceremony with Haiku Vows.  Temple Tequila Shots.  Best Cha Cha Party Ever...Last Night A Disco Robot Saved My Life. Otter's Gourmet Grilled Cheese Mash-ups.  Art.  Metropolitain.  Hooping.  Love.  Bliss.  Hologram'd Princess Sandra. Soft Serve Ice-Cream on a Hot Afternoon.  Naj Mahal Communing. 4am Neon Cactus Garden Soccer.  Spontaneous Potluck Dinners.  Homeslice Family Photo & Portraits.  Watching Ops perform in the Fire Conclave.  When The Man KaBoom'd!  The Temple Burn.  North Lake Tahoe (post-burn) Engagement-moon!  And reflecting on it all while soaking in a hot spring somewhere along the 395.

Thank you, Homeslice!  I'm so grateful to be a part of this dynamic family!  YOU are the reason I come back to the Playa year after year.  One week of desert living alongside so many of the people on this planet who I love the most does wonders for my soul.

An extra special shout out goes to Eva and Jimmoi for capturing hundreds of incredible photos of our engagement. We've had the opportunity to share some pics with my parents who were literally brought to tears.  Thank you for making it possible to share those moments with them. 

Robots & Cupcakes,

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