Monday, June 8, 2009

Photos: SF Maker Faire 2009

Special Ops, Farilla and I shot up north to the San Francisco Maker Faire a couple weekends ago. Last year I realized one day just wasn't enough so this year we decided to make a weekend of it. And what an inspirational weekend it was...

Life Size Mouse Trap:
Life Size Mouse Trap

Pedal Powered Fire Blaster:
Pedal Powered Fire Blaster

Flaming Snail:
I wish all snails did this...

The Crucible:
The Crucible: Welding

Art Bikes:
Art Bikes

R2 & Shorties:
R2D2 & Friends

Ready for some fire hoopin':
Ready For Fire Hooping

Light Bright

So Pretty

So much fun! Farilla even got a crash course on my family when he met, for the first time, 12 (of the 14) family members who also came out to the Faire. (He'd previously met  my Mom & Sister.)  Oh my...no pressure there, eh?! Anyway, for those of you who couldn't join us this year...enjoy the photos. It's never too early to start planning for next year.

For the rest of the snaps from our fun-tastic adventure click here.


  1. Wonderful shots, as always! The image of the little guy with the hoop ~ too, too adorable :)

  2. Please convince us to go next year. Please oh please.

  3. @Jazz-Next year you're getting a Maker Faire ticket for your b-day!


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