I harvested our first three Beefsteaks! Although, as you can see, they're not very beefy.

Yellow Peppers are finally starting to yellow. I was convinced they would never turn.

One of our Swiss Chard plants is still going strong as is our Kale. Lettuces and Spinach are all done. Our two hot pepper plants are producing like crazy! If you want some let me know. Corn is still not doing much since the incident. Eggplant has a bunch of flowers so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Cantaloupe has a few flowers...again, fingers crossed. Zucchini is doing well and producing a few zukes right now. Most of the herbs are flourishing. And we're getting another round of strawberries! Hopefully we'll get to them before the critters this time. I think it's time to start plotting out our Fall garden plantings. I'm thinking we need to do another round of onions, some broccoli and more tomatoes. We'll see!
Your tomatoes are the perfect ones. They are really reddish and healthy on the photos. I love your yellow peppers. My peppers got problems with worms so I need to replant it again. Good luck on your other plants.