Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Photos: SUNset SUNday

It was an amazingly clear day last Sunday so Farilla drove me out to Mugu Rock where we watched the sun set over the Pacific! So beautiful...

Having just been back east where he had a chance to do some more rock climbing The Monkey couldn't resist scrambling around on the rocks.

Defies gravity...
Defies Gravity

Faux-jumper (enlarged)...
I hope he didn't...

Just around the bend...
Just Around The Bend

Thinking of things to come (enlarged)...
Thinking of things to come...

Living the upright life...
Living The Upright Life

For a few more shots of Farilla from Mugu Rock click here.


  1. how do you do that cross out letter/word thing?

    you are so talented. love the first photo!

  2. Thanks, Mama...can't wait to take pics of ALL of our kiddos!

    (Google "strike code")


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