Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Photos: The YES Heard Around The World!

Last Saturday Farilla took me to my first Dead concert. He's a big fan of the Grateful Dead and I'm Farilla's biggest fan so it all works out. As soon as the show ended (11:30pm'ish) we hopped in the car and set off for Granite Pass. Sunday marked the 1 year anniversary of Team Limmie-ization. Not even The Dead could keep us from this momentous celebration! A couple of stops and one complete freeway closure later we arrived at The Pass. It must have been about 4am by the time my feet actually hit the dance floor. Thank you, My Love, for getting us there safely! We danced until the first sign of day break. Then, those who were still awake converged on The Church to watch the sunrise together just as Jimmoi & Lizziebot did 52 weeks earlier...

Off To Church

Watching & Waiting

Team Limmie...
Prepared, Yet Unaware

Appropriate attire...
We Made It, Thanks To Him!

Then all of a sudden...
The Ring

She said YES...
The Kiss

The Legends, of Love...

Lots of tears, lots of smiles & one Otter...

For 45 more photos from this epic sunrise click here.

Oh, and if you were only able to join us in spirit, no worries. Commander caught the whole thing LIVE on video, naturally!
He Got Me Too

Come what may...


  1. Commander StarflyerMay 12, 2009 at 2:38 PM

    the Commander is pleased !

    : )


  2. I would like to see some video, Kind Sir!

  3. To love. And to SUNRISE!

  4. hooray! lovely pics, and I second the request for csf video soon soon soon.

  5. I LOVE that Lizziebot is wearing the mask during the proposal. Big LOVE to everyone.


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