Thursday, February 21, 2008

Photos: Devil's Punchbowl

Last Sunday, Jeremy and I ventured off to the Northern side of the snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains.  After about an hour (or so) drive from the Westside we ultimately wound up at Devil's Punchbowl way out Pearblossom Highway.

We prepared ourselves for cool snowy conditions but were quite surprised to find the climate to be perfect for an afternoon of trekking!  J and I strolled along the very easy one mile loop down into the Punchbowl while taking some detours along the way.  There were tons of impressive rock formations and on some North facing slopes we even ran across the occasional (albeit dirty) snow patch.

On the way home we encountered this 'little' gem:

this link to see a few more shots from Devil's Punchbowl and to peep some of the craziness that can be found inside the Village of Gnomes (aka Charlie Brown Farms).  Trust me...it's like nothing you've ever seen before!

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