Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Running: Play Time Is Over!

Woke up early this AM...crawled out of bed.  Got my gear on...then proceeded to crawl right back into bed.  It's been a week since my "Milestone" run.  I've had an insanely busy social schedule over the course of the last 8 days.  I'm pretty sure last night was the first night in a week that I got more than 4 to 5 hours of sleep.  Ahhh, absolute bliss!  

I've been feeling so guilty for not finding time to run.  I totally convinced myself that I was setting my progress WAY back after a whole week of pure gluttony along with very little sleep.  Glad to report that it was all in my head.  Tonight's run was fine.  Feeling good!  

The Deets:
Mile 1: 7'01"
Mile 2: 7'39"
Mile 3: 7'03"
Mile 4: 7'04"

***Side Note:  I found out today that I've helped motivate two separate long-time friends to begin training again!  Go Meg & Greenich!  Grin, we totally have to start hitting San Vicente and The Stairs together!  Meg, yer gonna LOVE your new Nike+!  Be sure to post your stats on your blog so we can watch your progress!  w00t!

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